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Important information for ITOs

As you have indicated that you are an inbound tour operator, we wanted to highlight some important information for your consideration when applying to attend Australia Markeplace UK & Europe 2019:

  • Australia Marketplace UK & Europe 2019 is a preferencing event
  • Any appointments requests you receive from Buyers will be preferenced
  • Your appointment requests for Buyers with whom you do not hold a current business relationship will not be granted if that Buyer has advised TA in their application that they currently work with another Australian ITO
  • Given the above, you may not recieve a full appointment schedule at the event. Tourism Australia will invite established UK travel companies who do not currently sell Australia to join a new business appointment stream and seminar in the afternoon of Day 2. These New Buyers will be scheduled to meet all STO and ITO attending.

If you have any questions, please contact us.
