Sellers can participate at Australia Marketplace China 2023 (AMC23) and/or Australian Premium Showcase China (APSC23) as either a:
- An international market ready tourism product or experience; or
- A state, territory or regional tourism association (or other relevant industry member).
To be considered as a participant at the Event, you must demonstrate to Tourism Australia (TA) that you meet the Seller Selection Criteria and provide the necessary supporting materials by the key dates specified on the website.
By submitting an application you have agreed to the terms and conditions
of participation, and you release TA, to the extent permitted by law, from
liability for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of participating
in this event should your application be accepted and confirmed.
All sellers applying to exhibit at a TA trade event, must demonstrate in their application that they comply with each of the following selection criteria. TA reserves the right to waive any of these criteria at its discretion and/or amend or reject any product or experience, which is inconsistent with the criteria.
The mandatory requirements for seller companies are as follows:
- Must be an Australian registered company paying applicable taxes in Australia;
- Must have public liability insurance to a minimum of $AUD10,000,000 per occurrence;
- The ability of your product to be booked and commission paid at the appropriate industry levels, relevant to the distribution system employed;
- Tourism as the main focus of your business;
- Confirmation from the relevant State or Territory Tourism Organisation (STO) as to whether your product or experience is appropriate for the event. Where your product or experience is "National", assessment of this will be completed by TA;
- Endorsement of your product or experience as internationally active in the relevant market by an STO or TA which may include evidence of:
- Completion of your state or territory trade ready or ATEC market readiness program;
- Attendance at more than one physical or virtual international trade event in the past year;
- Involvement in an international marketing campaign with your STO or TA;
- Involvement with TA’s International Media Hosting Program (IMHP);
- Involvement with TA or STO trade famils;
- Evidence of international marketing either via individual initiatives or via offshore wholesalers;
- Availability of relevant wholesale and retail rates for your product or experience available by the start of the trade event;
- Endorsement and approval by the STO relevant to the product application exhibit area
- Approved creditor status with Tourism Australia including, without limitation, no bad debts;
- Own website and/or availability of your product or experience by an alternative distribution channel;
- For inbound tour operators (ITOs), the following considerations apply – please note, preference will be given to products and experiences over ITOs in the event of an oversubscription and ITO participation will be capped:
- Current membership of the Inbound Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC) is preferable;
- Minimum five (5) years in business required;
- Ability to provide marketing examples showing proof of activity in market;
- Ability to provide examples of custom itineraries;
- Outline a clear and relevant objective for attending.
In addition to the mandatory selection criteria above, it is preferable for products and/or experiences applying to exhibit at the Event to have the following:
- Current membership of your local or regional tourism association if applicable;
- Endorsement of your product or experience by the relevant industry body;
If you wish to apply to apply to attend Australia Premium Showcase China (APSC23), the following selection criteria will also apply in addition to the criteria above:
- Proven premium strategy for the market.
- Preferred partnership(s) with global luxury consortia partners relevant for the market - specifically Virtuoso, Signature Travel Network, Serandipians and Global Travel Collection.
- Experiences offered align with Australia’s luxury experiential offering and TA’s key pillars
- Level of demonstrated experience in handling HNW/UHNW travellers from the relevant. market.
TA reserves the right to:- Cancel the participation of an organisation that has an outstanding account with TA and/or the payment of which has not been cleared 60 working days prior to the commencement of the Event. You acknowledge that if this should occur, you have no right of action, claim, proceeding or demand against TA for such cancellation;
- Cancel the participation of such an organisation despite the fact that TA has accepted deposit funds from that organisation; and
- Apply cancellation fees as per the dates published on the website, which are enforceable at the time a seller accepts TA’s offer to participate in Australia Marketplace China 2023.