
What is G'day Australia 2024? 

G'day Australia 2024 is a mega famil and training event available to frontline travel industry from our global markets who have completed the online Aussie Specialist Program and actively sell Australia as a destination.

Where and when will G’day Australia 2024 take place? 

G'day Australia 2024 will be held from Monday 14 October to Thursday 17 October 2024 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC), in partnership with Tourism Western Australia (TWA). Refer to preliminary program for further details.

What will G’day Australia 2024 look like? 

The trade show layout will be the same format as G'day Australia 2023 (and previous Corroboree events) with delegates taking part in a three-day training workshop. Sellers will be allocated to booths within state and territory zones and buyers will move between appointments.

Who can attend? 

G’day Australia 2024 will bring together Australian tourism businesses and international tourism wholesalers with qualified Aussie Specialists through scheduled appointments and networking events. 

We expect an oversubscription in the number of applications for G’day Australia 2024 and will manage waitlists in line with the selection criteria and in conjunction with state/territory tourism organisations to ensure quality appointment schedules. 

Can I share a booth with another seller? 

Due to demand, we have included a share booth option, to accommodate higher seller attendance. 

Sellers applying for a share booth will have the opportunity to identify a preferred share partner at the time of application. This request will be taken into consideration however is not guaranteed.

If you do not have a preferred partner, the relevant STO will endeavor to find a suitable share partner.

Can I request a double booth?

No, double booths will not be available at G’day Australia 2024.

What is the cost to attend? 

Please refer to the participation options information on the seller page for a list of inclusions. 

Am I guaranteed acceptance at the event?

No, all applications will be assessed in line with the Seller Selection Criteria and Event Terms and Conditions. Places are also strictly limited. 

When will I know if my application has been accepted? 

Acceptances will be advised from 24 June 2024. Tourism Australia will assess all applications and send out notifications of assessments in line with the key dates

When do I need to pay?

Payment will be due on offer acceptance (24 June - 12 July 2024) to confirm your position. 

Are flights and accommodation included for sellers?

Accommodation and flights will be at the delegates’ own expense for G’day Australia 2024.

When should I book flights?

It is recommended that you do not book your travel until you have been offered a place at the event.

What will be the format of the workshop? 

The G'day Australia workshop will be set-up as a trade show with over 100 seller booths. Aussie Specialists will rotate in groups of two to three for 10-minute appointments at each booth. Australian sellers have the option to attend as a sole booth or share booth with another product. When there are two products sharing a booth, the 10-minute appointment will be shared (ie: five minutes each). An appointment schedule will be provided to each participant and a list of Aussie Specialists will be made available at the end of the event. 

What is the dress code? 

Casual business attire is appropriate for the workshop appointments and all evening functions. 

Do I have to attend the evening functions? 

Yes, and you won’t want to miss them. The evening functions are a great casual way to network with the Aussie Specialists.

Can I bring brochures to the workshop? 

No, we ask that Sellers refrain from bringing brochures as it is extra collateral for the Aussie Specialists to take home and not a sustainable source of information. Please note there will be an event app that you can access Aussie Specialist profiles and event information as required. 

Can I make requests for my dietary requirements? 

Yes, if accepted the G'day Australia application form allows you to advise of any dietary requirements. The event organisers will endeavour to accommodate dietary requirements however it cannot always be guaranteed. 

Do I need to have Public Liability Insurance (PLI)? 

Yes, all participating sellers are required to have a current Public Liability Insurance with a minimum of AUD$10-million per occurrence to participate in a Tourism Australia Trade Event. Please ensure that your organisation meets this requirement as all applications with incomplete insurance details will be automatically waitlisted. 

Do you have any tips for writing an organisation’s biography?

Biographies should not contain contact details and/or websites as this appears in the directories at the top of the page. All biographies should be written in the third person and be a maximum of 50 words. For more guidance on how to write your biography, view the style guide.

Still haven't found the answer to your question?

Feel free to email the team