Sellers can participate in the Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE25) (Event) as either an:

  1. International market ready tourism product or experience; or
  2. State, Territory or Regional tourism association (or other relevant industry member).

To be considered as a participant at the Event, you must demonstrate to Tourism Australia (TA) that you meet the Seller Selection Criteria and provide the necessary supporting materials by the key dates specified on the website. TA will review your submitted application and assess whether you meet the Seller Selection Criteria before you are formally offered a place to attend.


All products and experiences, Regional Tourism Organisations and Industry Associations applying to exhibit at a TA trade event, must demonstrate in their application that they comply with each of the following selection criteria. TA reserves the right to waive any of these criteria at its discretion and/or amend or reject any product or experience, which is inconsistent with the criteria.  

The mandatory requirements for seller companies are as follows:

  1. Must be an Australian registered company paying applicable taxes in Australia;
  2. The ability of your product to be booked and commission paid at the appropriate industry levels, relevant to the distribution system employed; 
  3. Tourism as the main focus of your business;
  4. Confirmation from the relevant State or Territory Tourism Organisation (STO) as to whether your product or experience isappropriate for the event.  Where your product or experience is a "national" product or experience, confirmation will be sought from the STO with which you deal the most (in the case of international marketing) or TA;  
  5. Endorsement of your product or experience as internationally active in the relevant market by an STO or TA which may include evidence of:
    • Completion of your state or territory trade ready, ATEC Tourism Trade Ready or Market Host programs;
    • Attendance at more than one international trade event in the past year;
    • Involvement in an international marketing campaign with your STO or TA;
    • Involvement with TA’s International Media Hosting Program (IMHP);
    • Involvement with TA or STO trade famils;
    • Evidence of international marketing either via individual initiatives or via offshore wholesalers;
    • Availability of relevant wholesale and retail rates for your product or experience by the start of the trade event;
    • Endorsement and approval by the STO relevant to the product application exhibit area
  6. Approved creditor status with TA including, without limitation, no bad debts
  7. Own website and listing of your product or experience on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW).

In addition to the mandatory selection criteria above, it is preferable for products and/or experiences applying to exhibit at the Event to have the following:

  • Current membership of your local or regional tourism association;
  • Endorsement of your product or experience by the relevant industry body;

If you are an inbound tour operator, current membership of the inbound Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC) is preferable. 


TA reserves the right to select the appropriate products for the Event and where required consult with the relevant STO before making its decision. Consideration will be given to the following important factors during the selection/assessment process of products and experiences:

  • A mix of products and experiences are represented to ensure buyer satisfaction;
  • Proven strategy for international markets;
  • Level of demonstrated experience in handling international tourists; and
  • Consistency with the objectives of the Event and the objectives of TA and TA’s obligations.

If the number of companies meeting the selection criteria exceeds supply for the Event, TA has the right to apply any or all of the following:

  • Preference will be given to operators who have attended ATE previously;
  • Preference will be given to regions with a high dependency on international tourism;
  • Category and geographic limits in order to maintain a balanced representation of product; 
  • 'First in best dressed' limit based on the date an application is submitted prior to the deadline; and
  • Consultation with the relevant STO to determine those who will be accepted.

Please note: 

  • Parent companies: TA reserves the right to decline individual products that belong to an exhibiting parent brand or company. This includes individual hotels including franchisee properties.
  • Product Representation Companies: If a Product Representation Company (PRC) represents a sole product that is attending in its own right, the PRC is not eligible to attend the Event. PRCs that represent multiple products are not permitted to represent a product that is exhibiting at the event in their own right.
  • Delegate: Your nominated representative/s including any additional delegates must be directly employed or contracted by you. TA reserves the right to ask any delegate to provide evidence they are directly employed by the company. Where it is identified that a nominated representative is not a direct employee of the exhibiting company prior to the Event, the delegate will be cancelled from the company's application.

TA reserves the right to not consider any applications or part thereof submitted after the application deadline for the event.


TA reserves the right to:

  • Cancel the participation of an organisation that has an outstanding account with TA and/or the payment of which has not been cleared 60 working days prior to the commencement of the Event. You acknowledge that if this should occur, you have no right of action, claim, proceeding or demand against TA for such cancellation;
  • Cancel the participation of such an organisation despite the fact that TA has accepted deposit funds from that organisation; and
  • Apply cancellation fees as per the key dates published on the website, which are enforceable at the time a seller accepts TA’s offer to participate in ATE25. 

If after offer acceptance, you are no longer able to attend the Event, you must as soon as practicable, advise TA in writing. TA will be monitoring no-shows to appointments and no-shows may impact attendance at future TA events.


Please refer to the ATE25 Event Terms and Conditions for full considerations applied.