Sustainability is a key strategic priority for Tourism Australia. We have a vital role to play in elevating the importance, and the appeal, of sustainable tourism. We see sustainability as more than a marketing pillar or a campaign. We aim to make it a consideration in every aspect of our activity as destination custodian and storyteller. This includes embedding it in our advocacy and education work, undertaking targeted consumer research, highlighting industry success stories and, of course, featuring those stories in our marketing activity. We are also taking steps to instil sustainability as a core business value across our organisation.

At ATE, we are always looking at ways to make environmentally responsible choices and reduce waste. From encouraging delegates to bring their own reusable water bottles, removing event bags and merchandise, to reducing exhibition build waste and looking at ways to offset our carbon emissions, we are working towards building a more sustainable event into the future.

Find out more about what TA is doing here.